World's Top Endangered Animals



Scientific Name - Ailuro podamelanoleuca

They are found in south central china. They are also known as panda bear. Their life span is 20 year and gestation period is 95-160 days. They are herbivorous and carnivorous in nature. In china human population continues to grow so panda's populations have declined. They are black, white coated in color.

2. TIGER:-

Scientific Name – Panthera Tigris

Tiger is the largest living cat species. It is carnivorous in nature and it is very wild animal. Tiger is national animal of India. their speed is 49-65 km/h,life span is 8-10 years, height is 70-120 cm.They  are Orange AND brown in colour.In india,nepal,bhutan,russia,china the tiger is listed as endangered on IUCN RED LIST because of habitat destruction and poaching and high human population in density.


Scientific Name-Elephas Maximus

Asian elephant or Asiatic elephant are found in Asia, Indian sub continent, Nepal, Sumatra and east borneo.Their life span is 48 years and gestation period is 18-22 months. They are largest land mammal in Asia. They are seen in Wet forest and grass land and herbivore in nature. Female elephant are 2.4 m and male elephant are 2.8m.According to IUCN over 75 years 50% of elephant’s population has declined. so they are classified in endangered animal. They can flap their big two ears to create a cooling effect and stay comfortable in the heat.


Scientific Name – Enhydra lutris

It is marine mammal which is found in Pacific Ocean. Their life span is 15-20 years. Female sea otter are 14-33 kg in weight and male are 22-45 kg in weight. They eat hard shelled invertebrates, crabs, mussels etc.Great white shark eat sea otter inside ocean. They are highly endangered marine animals because of shark attack, oil spills, fishing net and habitat degradation.


Scientific Name – Panthera uncial

They are seen in mountain range of Asian continent. It is carnivore in nature and a wild animal. Their gestation period is 101 days,32 kg in weight. They are also found in Himalayan region. Human kill them for their beautiful and warm fur to make jackets or woolen clothes. So now a time they are including in endangered species. Their lifespan is minimum 22 years.


Scientific Name-Gorilla beringei

Gorilla is found in Africa or mostly in tropical forest. They are ground dwelling animals and herbivorous in nature .Gorilla’s gestation period is 257 days and lifespan is 35-40 year. Gorilla is of 2 types.i.e eastern gorilla and western gorilla. Eastern gorilla’s mass is 150 kg and western gorilla’s mass is 160 kg.speed is 40km/h.For  many disgusting human activities such as civil war, habitat, destruction this species is include in endangered species animals. They are highly intelligent animals.


Scientific Name – Sarcophilus harrissii

It is only found in island state of Tasmania but now also found in Australia. It is a carnivorous animal. Their speed is 13km/h.Female are 6 kg and male Tasmanian are 8kg in weight. Their teeth are so unique. They have same number of teeth as a dog. They are listed as endangered animal due to DFTD (devil facial tumor disease) that emerged in 1996 and still this disease has no cure.

8. Orangutan:-

Scientific Name-Pongo pygmaeus

These animals are found in Borneo, Sumatra, china and southest Asia. Their lifespan is 35-45 years, gestation period is 259 days and 45 kg in weight. They are live in rain forest of Asia. Now a time these animals are listed in endangered category because of destruction of rain forest and illegal animal’s trade.

9. Rhinos:-

Scientific Name –Rhinoocerotidae

Rhinos are found in Africa and southern Asia. Their habitat is tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, deserts and tropical moist forests etc.They are found in 2 color i.e. white and black colour.White Rhino’s lifespan is 40-50 yr,2300 kg in mass. Speed of white rhinos is 50/h and gestation period is 16-18 month. Height of white Rhinoceros are 1.7-1.9m.Speed of black Rhinos is 55km/h.Indian Rhino’s weight is 2200kg.Lifespan is 33-45 years. Indian Rhinos gestation period is 15-16 month and height is 1.6-1.9m.For hunting the Rhinos day by day and habitat loss this species is endangered gradually.

10. SAOLA:-

Scientific Name – Pseudoryx nghetinhensis

These are found in forest of Vietnam and Laos. Recently discovered large mammals in the world .they are also known as Asian Unicorn, Siola, and the vu quang bovid. It is one of the world’s rarest large mammals.They are 35 inches in size,4.9 feet in long and 176-220 pound in weights. They eat the leaves of fig trees,bushes,grass,herbs etc.It is very endangered animal because of commercial uses local people hunting these animals.





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