Very mysterious and unbelievable creature of nature is a reptile Dinosaur.It was believe that 65million years ago they are seen in Earth.Among these some are harvivours and some are carnivorous and they were both cool and furious in nature. But one time this species are totally diminished why?what is the reason?

According to many scientist, historian, researcher one day an asteroid or comet collided with earth .The consequences of that impact not just in the geographic region but world wide bcoz of environmental changes from an atmospheric dust and aerosol cloud that would have remained for many years in the stratosphere.Consequently there would have been a short term temperature drop which together with diminished sunlight would have inhibited or killed photosynthetic plants and dinosaur disappeared completely and as well as many land animals,marine reptile etc.

Sudden unfavorable changes to the environment to occur more quickly then dinosaur and other creature could adapt. Many scientific evidence suggest an asteroid impact was the main reason. For asteroid colidation large scale volcanic eruptions that caused large scale climate change.
Whatever the causes that ended the age of dinosaur in ecosystem around the world for ever...

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  1. Due to changing temperature in earth dinesour had been died & now a time there are no dinesour in the earth.By the view of many scientists not only temperature also for the many envourmanta essu the dinosaurs are not with you.
    Not only dinesour many animals & birds(like dodo) are died .and now this period human are 90% responsibul for the those birds & animal who will be died for the environmental essu .because now a time Human is the only animal who is responsible for changing envourment

  2. Just like dinosour, many species are getting extinct. It damages our ecosystem
